Sunday morning, November 24, 9 am, Kerri Pomarolli will be with us for an extraordinary Ladies Only Meeting! Leave the kids with Dad to get ready for church and join us for a ladies’ meeting with Kerri. Have you ever felt overwhelmed with life, marriage, and being a mom? Have you ever felt like you wear so many hats you don’t know how to keep them all in the air simultaneously? You’re not alone!
You will laugh and, perhaps cry, your way closer to the Savior. In her down-to-earth style, Kerri will teach you to face mean girls, navigate social media, and stress-eat ice cream with a fork—all while learning to put the Lord at the center of all you do. There is no cost for this meeting, but pre-registration is necessary. Click the button below.

We suggest you arrive at 8:45am to get parked & seated. Coffee will be served from 8:40am in the foyer. Light refreshments are served just inside the sanctuary doors from 8:45-9:00am.
If you have kids under 11, we have childcare available. You can check in your child from 8:40am – 9:00am in our kid’s ministry. We’ve got great age-appropriate games and crafts waiting for them!
If you have any needs, please stop by Guest Services, where our team will be available to help you.
Kerri’s set will end promptly at 9:50am. We encourage you to stay for the 10:00am worship service, where Kerri will be our speaker that morning.
While this great community event is free, we ask you to come prayerfully prepared to join us in a love offering to ensure Kerri is well taken care of. Her merch will be available in the foyer after the event.
She’s been on tour with Family Life today to sold-out crowds of over 16,000 and has worked with Pastor Robert Morris at his GATEWAY campuses in Texas for over 10 years. She is currently featured on the Roku channel and Netflix, the Tonight Show, Dry Bar Comedy, The Hallmark Channel, ABC, NBC,, Good Morning America and Amazon Prime.